Saturday, 27 January 2007


iso 800, f 20, ss 1/640

Krisztina's B & W action

As you can see the countryside around here is fairly flat and dry (even with the lovely rain we have had lately). Most of the farms rely on bores and windmills for their water. Wind is something we have plenty of. This windmill was actually spinning around really fast. The pic was taken at about 6pm, it has been one of those days with rain and sun on and off, so the light was really nice. I ran Krisztina's B&W action on the second one. I like them both.


Krissynae said...

Beautiful shot. Love them both. Great job with the conversion

Rebecca said...

Wow! Fantastic photos. Both are awesome

Sara D. said...

I have to agree I like them both! Beautiful shot, and love the conversions!

Jan said...


Thanks so much for the great comments on my pics!! It's really hard to get through all of these wonderful blogs. Glad you visit mine!

These pics are just fantastic! I think I like the color version best--very rich. **And if you ever visit Amarillo, you will feel right at home. It is windy and flat here, too! :)

Hope said...

this shot is great. Love the color and the b&w

Sara said...

You rock at landscapes, Patti!
I like the color a bit better- although the b/w is timeless, the color just adds "life".
Beautiful work!

Sue said...

Those are awesome. I can't pick a favorite b/c I love them both. Great job!