Sunday, 28 January 2007

Go fly a kite

iso 200, f 22, ss 1/125

This afternoon the girls really wanted to go to the beach. It was fairly sunny, but very windy so we took the kite Joey made a few weeks ago at school. It actually worked really well. After kite flying they went for a swim - the water was so cold that everyone else swimming had wetsuits on, but it didn't stop them. It was only after Erica was dumped by a wave that they came in - shivering like crazy.

I cut my poor girls feet off - Do you think I should leave it cropped like this, or should I take off more of her legs?


Sara said...

Good morning Patti!
I love this, but yes I think I'd play around with crops a bit so it looks like you intended the cut. Maybe to the bottom of her skirt, or even her waist?
Your colors have such a warm golden tone. I like it alot!

Patti said...

Thanks Sara, The sand was blowing around so much I just whipped out the camera, took a few snaps and put it back in the car. Didn't realise I missed her feet until I went to edit it.

Stephanie said...

Very nice! I like the movement of the clouds and her skirt and how you placed her in the corner. Nice color too!

Krissynae said...

Very good shot. I like the action in the shot. Great capture

Michelle said...

i love this shot! looks like something from a sci-fi movie! awesome!

iBecks said...

Cool shot. :)

Dar Kaso said...

I love it, the kite in one corner her in another, very nice. Great color too.

barb said...

Great shot but I am not surprised! I always love seeing your pictures.

I would probably play with the crop too.

Tina said...

I like it just the way it is. The attention is drawn to the sky and the distance she's looking into.

Robyn said...

I don't mind the chopped feet actually. Lovely photo

Anonymous said...

I saved it and cropped it and too much cropping cuts out some of the lovely sand. I like it as is, it's beautiful.

susy said...

Hi patti, I've got to agree with tina, my eyes were drawn instantly to the sky rather than her feet, so no it doesn't bother me. I love the angle of this, which lens did you use?

Lori said...

Nice shot, but I'd probably crop a bit more!

Anonymous said...

Hi i wouldn't change a thing - i too didn't notice that her legs had been cropped until i read furthur on. I think it works in this photo because like the others said, your eyes are drawn to the sky. I had the same debate too today - took the kids toboganning (..such different weather we have!!) and cut off my dd's boots in one photo. It totally didn't work and i didn't even post it cause it looked strange - her whole body filled up the frame minus her boots. Your photo works with her cropped because of where you've placed your dd. Great composition!
Again, another amazing shot!!

Elizabeth Em said...

Patti I love it just like it is... there is such wonderful movement in the photo!!

Patti said...

Thanks everyone, I'll try some different crops and see how they look too.
Susy, I was using my 17-85 lens. is my walkabout lens. It's not as sharp as the 70-200L, but I love the wider angle.