Tuesday, 23 January 2007

The breakwater at night

iso 800, f 22, ss 20 sec

I took this down at the breakwater tonight. I was after smoky water looking shots, but I was a bit too late and it was quite dark. I'm thrilled with this shot though.

iso 100, f 29, ss 15 sec

During the summer holidays there is a carnival down near the beach. I have been wanting to get a shot like this all summer. The light streaks across the front are cars driving past. Tonight was one of those times when it all seemed to work. I love it when that happens.


Lorrie said...

Morning Patti. I don't know what the breakwaters are, but I know that both of your photos are FABULOUS. I am LOVING you carnival ride shot! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots!! Love your cars streaming by!

Anonymous said...

That last shot is amazing...great work!

Anonymous said...

great night shot. good color.

Hope said...

wow, cool shots. I love the lights reflecting in the water and I can't believe the colors and car streaks in that second shot. Great job!

Mom2Drew said...

Love the ferris wheel and the reflection of the lights.

Anonymous said...

very nice! what are breakwaters?

Dar Kaso said...

Wow, really fabulous shots, don't know which one is more incredible. Great stuff!

Jan said...

Fabulous!!!!! It is gorgeous in your part of the world and you do a great job capturing it! (I don't know what breakwater is either. :) )You are really talented... TFS

Lauren Hartman said...

Wow, the ferris wheel is fantastic! I'm curious how slow your SS was for this shot. GREAT JOB!

Lauren Hartman said...

Never mind about the SS question, it's right there under the picture. If it was any more clear it would bite me on the nose!

Tori said...

Beautiful shots! I really like the colors in the ferris wheel.

Anonymous said...

lovely. just beautiful.

Patti said...

Breakwater must be Aussie speak. Thw breakwater is the big long concrete thing the lights are on, on the right side of the top pic. They are solid barriers built to protect a harbour from the sea. Kinda like a pier, but solid. Does that make sense? I have no idea what you would call them in the US. On the right side of the pic is a small jetty (pier). Thanks for the comments. I am really happy with these two pics.

Andrea said...

I know I have said it before, but I look forward to your pictures everyday! These are so cool! I love the star effect in the first picture, and WOW! is the second shot cool!

Amanda said...

Gorgeous! and it came together beautifully for you! The first one is amazing! Great job!

Mar said...

OMG Patti!!! These are soooo fun and interesting!

I think I am becoming one of your groupies :)

Patti said...

Oh Mar, you say the nicest things. Thanks everyone for looking and the comments. Like I said, I was really happy with these shots.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Patti!
Here's a little story for you. When I was about 7 or 8 we went to the warrnambool carnival one evening and I desperately wanted to go on the chair swing - the one with the long chains attached to the chairs and they swing WAAAY out.
Well my father was a very safety conscious man where his kids were concerned and he felt I was too young, it was too dangerous...all night I worked on him and finally he gave in and gave me the money...off I happily trotted to buy a ticket..and dropped the money..in the dark, all those people, could'nt find it..it's always remained in my memory as being such a huge disappointment, I was in tears - I was probably more careful with money after that though:)