Saturday, 17 March 2007

Shades of green

One of the things I like best about these lakes is all the different shades of green. The lighthouse in the background is actually more a navigation beacon. This one has a red light and there is a white light one further up the hill (near the flag pole). If you are coming into the bay you need to line the two lights up to be in the safe passage. The bay is just off to the left of the pic.

I'll post the settings tomorrow (or maybe Monday). Looking now I think the frame is too heavy.


robin said...

This is a beautiful scene. I am jealous! Maybe just a touch too heavy on the frame, but not bad - thanks for sharing.

Dar Kaso said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place and your capture is incredible. Beautiful.

Krissynae said...

Very beautiufl shoreline. Love the little lighthouse peaking out from the trees. Great photo

Sara said...

Your landscapes are positively gorgeous!
Love the shades of green, somewhat reminiscent of Ireland- perfect for St. Patty's day!

Michelle said...

if you're ever in the need for a houseguest just give me a ring! this is absolutely beautiful! loving all that green and the water! great job!

Sarah (spetrie5) said...

Wow...stunning is the word that comes to mind. Beautiful photo!

AmyC said...

Oooh, this is SOOO beautiful! What a gorgeous landscape shot!