Sunday, 4 March 2007

My Glasses

I'm long-sighted so I can see fine without them, but I get headaches and sore eyes. I have had the same Rx since I was in high school, but I have to admit that as 40 is approaching (way too quickly) I'm starting to find really close stuff can be a bit of a struggle. These are my latest glasses, but I have about 4 pairs that I kinda alternate. With work we get a couple of free pairs a year so that helps alot. So this is me- wrinkles and all. About the closest thing I have done to a self portrait.


Dorothy said...

Now THAT is what I call a close-up! ;)

Great glasses shot... no glare!

Mom2Drew said...

Love how your glasses have no frame! This is completely creative!

AmyC said...

Very fun! Another glasses wearer here, and I have to say I'm a little jealous that you get glasses through your work! I have one old, tired pair. LOL!

AmyC said...

Oh...and, no, I'm not wearing my glasses in the little profile picture. I couldn't figure out the glasses glare at that time! LOL!

Lorrie said...

great picture, good job on the focus. I like your glasses too, nice!

Anonymous said...

I'm long sighted too Patti and was fine till my forties but I get worse every year. I'm well overdue for new glasses. I love your teddy shots...lisavc