Wash the dishes, dry the dishes
This is our new dishwasher. The old one stopped going about 12 months ago and it has taken this long to get a new one. I have to admit that Shane used the dishwasher a lot more than I do. He doesn't think I stack it properly so even if I do it, he often reloads it. Easier just to let him do it the first times I think. Anyway, after 6 years of being a full time SAHD and a part time University student, Shane is just about to start a new job. So I guess I'm have to become better acquainted with the dishwasher and all the other household appliances.
iso 400, f/5, ss 1/100, speedlite flash
I'm not thrilled with the frame I put on this one, but I'm too lazy to change it.
Take care
I like the comp on this!
HOW in the world have you survived ONE year without a DW? I would have pulled ALL my haor out! LOL
Yes, I'm wondering how you got along for a year! I actually like your frame on this :)
I really like the comp and the grainy feel to this. I could not imagine surviving a whole year w/out a dishwasher. I once went thre days and then called y hubby at work to tell him that he had to order one right there and then if he wanted his wife to keep her sanity!
WOW, the picture and the story! lol.. like your composition, I actually posted the same thing today! I like the B&W conversion....looks cool!
I like the composition on this one and I think it does very well in b&w.
As for the dishwasher, I can't relate. I have never had one, and I don't want one either!
The only inconvenience she noticed was that the there was less bench space to put the dirty dishes due to the clean ones being on top of the bench instead of in the "white cupboard" below
Ha, Ha Shane, He is right. I never do the dishes anyway so it wasn't too bad. Having a new dishwasher should lead to a happier dh at least.
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