Sunday, 18 March 2007

Geelong highland day

Today Joey was dancing at the Geelong Highland Day. So we woke up at 5am, drove two and a half hours to Geelong, sat in the sun all day listening to bagpipe music and then drove home ( we got home at about 8:40pm). So now I am sunburnt, very tired and have a headache. The things we do for our children. Joey had a good time. She isn't the best dancer, by a long way, but she came equal third in one dance so she was happy. I took this pic with my old point and shoot. It's a shocking pic, but it represents my day. Joey is on the right, with the Menzies Dress Cerise tartan. She might not be the best dancer, but she has the prettiest kilt.


Sarah (spetrie5) said...

LOVE the kilt & the story that goes along with the pic. I hope you got some good rest after your long day!

cristina said...

Heck that's a great shot with all that sun! Plus it's a point-and-shoot so that makes it different from what you're used to ...right?
Lovely story, I believe that it's not about being the best but rather LOVING and TRULY ENJOYING what you this case, dancing.
BTW I loved to dance as a child but was kicked out of ballet class because I wasn't that I ended up in Folkloric dancing and stayed there all the way through college! :)

Michelle said...

love your journaling and the pic is great for a p & s! and oh yes, the things we do for the kids! i have spent every Friday night at a soccer arena since October! the love of a mother!

Mom2Drew said...

I like your journaling here and the fact you supported her all day in those conditions. Dedication at its finest. It's important kids don't think they have to be the best at everything/anything...just enjoying it and striving for improvement/fun/enjoyment. Love this!

Lee said...

Great shot with the sun. I love the kilt totally cute, and great story.

Krissynae said...

They are tooo cute. This is a great photo. Great job

Anonymous said...

Your previous shot, the landscape, was beautiful patti...and so is this one..I've stopped deleting my less than perfect photos as I realised I was missing out on some really good story telling shots.