Today I was going to take some pics with my 70-200 lens, but with clouds like this in the sky, I couldn't resist switching back to the 17-85. The first 4 were all taken at the wetland I as telling you about a few days ago. The last one is from my back yard. Not sure of the settings. I do know the iso was 1600 (aarrgghh - forgot to check). These were take at about 7:30 - 8:00 pm.
In #4, see that little bit of a hill in the distance on the right. Well that land is for sale - 31 acres, runs down to the river and over looks this wetland and then the sea behind were I was standing. Hummm, I wonder how much they want for it and if I can win the lottery before the sale.
How peaceful. These are great. Love the colors. Great Job
Hope you win the lottery before the land sale is up!!
So tranquil.
ohhhhh.. these are great with lots of mood to them!! I love it!
So calming and tranquil. I love the third one, the path the river is wending, and the reflections and the clouds all make a mesmerizing scene.
Incredible shots, beautiful color! Hope you win the lottery, what a view!
wow. beautiful shots. these belong on a calendar!
Love the third one- that would be beautiful on BIG canvas! Great job!
OMGosh Patti! These are stunning. The first and third are my favorites. But, they are all just amazing!
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