Levy's beach
Today was another beautiful sunny day and I didn't have to work this morning so i went to the beach (as you do). I have never actually been to this beach before, it is really close to where I live - you can see the dunes from my backyard, but it is quite isolated and definitely not safe for swimming. I was amazed how beautiful it was, no seaweed, golden sand - much nicer than the main beach in town. I've been trying to improve my foreground interest, not sure if I have succeeded or not. Also as a spin-off from the poll on the message board, do you think the PPing is too much? Sometimes I'm not sure if I go over the top. All CC welcome and appreciated.
The ss is a bit slow - I forgot that I had my polarising filter on - aarrgghh. One day I'm going to remember everything. Setting for #1, #2, #4 are iso 200, f 18, ss 1/60., #3 iso 200, f 22, ss 1/40.
I love these! I can't quite put my finger on what it is I like so much - the composition? the lighting? the saturation? Maybe all of that? The rich colors are just beautiful.
I love them too. I think you have definitely succeeded with improving your foreground interest, that's really inspirational patti. I might go have a practise at it myself tomorrow. Make those landscapes more interesting. I got a new toy today..a canon 4ooD :)
I don't think the pp is ott, and I like the effect of the ss.
I love what you did with the colors...upped saturation? Beautiful. I would love to know what your pp process is.
I cannot express how jealous I am that you live this close to the ocean and the beach! LoL
I've only visited the beach ONE time in my life and it was one of the best experiences in my life. It affected my sister so much that she decorated her house in an all beach theme! The closest thing we have around here is a lake...boring...LoL-
Great pictures as usual!
the colors here are lovely~ I can almost smell the beach looking at them.
Fun shots! Great color! I wish I was there!!
beautiful.. packing my bags now! lol.
Love the way you framed the first ones with the grasses.
You know...I think your landscape shots are just amazing!! The color never appears off and your pping is perfect IMO...don't ever think you overdo it. I like the one with that tiny person standing. what beautiful scenery around you. You've got the beach and I've got the mountains...maybe someday we'll have to switch houses;)
Desolate it appears to be - but how beautiful! C'mon now - put on some scuba great and get out there! Bet you could get some great underwater shots... hahahahah I will float on the water but not really get in - but hubby goes scuba diving and I tell him I've got to get him an underwater camera :) I think you did a great job on these beach pictures. I love all your landscapes anyway. I don't see anything wrong with the processing - they look perfect to me :) Still in love with yesterday's first picture. HAve a great weekend!
beautiful, simply beautiful. not much i can add that hasn't already been said...great job!
Hi patti, I did get the pics. I've been putting off scrapping them but ,like you, I intend to do it this weekend :D
Awesome shots again! I can't imagine having all this eye candy where you live. It's beautiful and you capture it wonderfully well!
Your work just gets better and better. I love your landscapes! Keep up the great work.
Simply Gorgeous!
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