Sunday, 29 April 2007

Road to nowhere

Well actually it is a road to a place called Mailor's Flat, but trust me, there isn't much at Mailor's Flat. It certainly is flat though. Over the last few days we have had rain on and off and the clouds have been fabulous. I couldn't resist taking yet more pics of them.

iso 400, f 18, ss 1/200


Michelle said...

i love the mood of this. the road is a little dark...makes me look twice to make sure what it is. love the capture you got though! your colors are amazing.

Me said...

I love the perspective you captured. This would look great as a large sofa print. Beautiful.

Sara said...

I kinda liked it, until I enlarged it. Then I got lost in the color, the form of the clouds, and the great leading lines. Beautiful work.