A rose is a rose is a rose
Tonight I was having a bit of a play. I wanted to try taking a pic using my flash to highlight the image and darken the surrounds. It was around twilight and quite overcast. I'm pretty happy with the results. I think a diffuser over the flash would have avoided the problem with the top being a lot brighter than the bottom. I kinda like the shadows at the bottom, but I would have liked the top less exposed. Do you think it works okay? I have so much to learn about my flash.
These next three are the same shot with diferent actions.
Thanks for the cc - as you can see I'm trying to learn flash too :) I love the midnight sepia version of your flower. Beautiful. I tried a diffuser with pictures the other day (flowers) and I really did not like how they came out. I preferred changing where the flash bounced. I stil like how these came out :) Great job!
Hard to tell which edited version I like best...they are all neat. Rather than a diffuser, maybe bouncing the flash even just using an index card taped to the back of your flash and pointing it up??? Hope this makes sense. It's one of my favorite tricks for bouncing when I have nothing to bounce off of (like in the outdoors).
Great shot, don't which version I like best, the all look good. Im ususally a color girl but I really like the sepia conversion.
I like the composition of your shot. I really like the full color version of this pic.
I'll be a bit different and say I like the Midnight sepia choice. It adds a certain mystery-a little something extra perhaps.
very pretty. i like all the edits for different reasons. :)
Thanks for the comments, these actions are lovely aren't they. Jen I watched that video about the better bouce card - I'll have to try that.
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