Childers Cove
This afternoon I took a drive to the coast about 30 minutes east of here. The coastline around there is really spectacular. it is even better a bit further east of here. The first two are at a place called Childers Cove. I really like how the late afternoon sun makes the cliffs glow. I took the third one on the way there. It is dairy farming country around here and we are in the middle of a drought so the only green paddocks are the ones with irrigators. I used Krisztina's B&W conversion. The sky looks a bit blah due to the grey skies.
iso 200, f 16, ss 1/80

iso 800, f 16, ss 1/200
Thank you for all the comments on yesterdays shots. I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place, but I have to admit that its only since I started take landscape pics of it that i have appreciated how lovely it is. The area around my hometown is in a lot of ways much more scenic, all the beaches look like the Levy's, there are rolling green hills and mountains (only little ones though) and lush forests. But now I can see the beauty in the landscape here, even if it is flat and brown.
Post processing, okay I'll fess up and tell you what I do. I kinda feel like a bit of a fraud, coz i'm sure I do lots more PP than most people. Most pics get curves adjust, soft light layer, saturation adjustment and sharpening. But I often also do a multiple layer and or a screen layer, sometimes i adjust the colour balance and levels. Because alot of my shots have a large difference in exposure from the sky to the foreground (and I don't have a grad ND filter - yet), I usually have to adjust them separately, either using Roman's dynamic range or the magnetic lasso tool and feather the edges. So after all that when i'm happy with them i then spend about 10 minutes removing all the dust spots - my sensors are so dirty and when you use a small aperture, the spots just jump out. Basically I play around with them alot so I'm really pleased that you thought they don't look too overdone.
These are all amazing. If I lived 30 minutes away from such a beautiful place, I think I might turn into a beach :)
You're so not a fraud...the fact you know how to do all of that, and yet make it look natural and uneffected is Talent!!! I would love to see some of these printed out...maybe I'll have to buy a few from you;)
I love that last one, just because it's something so different and the conversion choice is perfect in my opinion. You're the landscape queen!!
the beach scenes are beautiful but i really like that third one! such a different capture! looks like it should be in some farming mag. great job!
Oh, yeah. Patti, these are all so great!! You really rock landscapes! I love something about each of them. Don't think I could pick a favorite from these 3. I think you chose perfectly with the b&w for the third one. Really nice.
And, your pics from the past several days are just as awesome. The first one from yesterday is my favorite. So crisp and I love the color in it. And, the sun spot is PERFECT!! That shot should be framed. Have you ever thought about stock photog? I bet you would sell lots of that one... I might even buy one! :) In fact, many of your shots should sell..
Thanks for sharing your pp steps. I am still learning about so many of those things. When I hear how someone else uses the tools, it inspires me to try it. Thanks so much for sharing. Your work is awesome!
Wow, Wow! You definitely live in a beautiful area. I would kill for sites like this LOL. All you see here is sloppy mud, brown grass, bare trees and soon we'll have more snow (it's on the way)! Your photos are beautiful and I'm sorry I missed yesterdays they are gorgeous!
Neat pictures! Love the conversions!
Gorgeous patti, glad you shared your 'enhancing' techniques'. I love looking at your photos of home.
Thank you so much for the comments and encouragement. It really means a lot to me.
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