This afternoon I took a drive to the coast about 30 minutes east of here. The coastline around there is really spectacular. it is even better a bit further east of here. The first two are at a place called Childers Cove. I really like how the late afternoon sun makes the cliffs glow. I took the third one on the way there. It is dairy farming country around here and we are in the middle of a drought so the only green paddocks are the ones with irrigators. I used Krisztina's B&W conversion. The sky looks a bit blah due to the grey skies.

iso 200, f 16, ss 1/80

iso 800, f 16, ss 1/200
iso 200, f 13, ss 1/200Thank you for all the comments on yesterdays shots. I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place, but I have to admit that its only since I started take landscape pics of it that i have appreciated how lovely it is. The area around my hometown is in a lot of ways much more scenic, all the beaches look like the Levy's, there are rolling green hills and mountains (only little ones though) and lush forests. But now I can see the beauty in the landscape here, even if it is flat and brown.
Post processing, okay I'll fess up and tell you what I do. I kinda feel like a bit of a fraud, coz i'm sure I do lots more PP than most people. Most pics get curves adjust, soft light layer, saturation adjustment and sharpening. But I often also do a multiple layer and or a screen layer, sometimes i adjust the colour balance and levels. Because alot of my shots have a large difference in exposure from the sky to the foreground (and I don't have a grad ND filter - yet), I usually have to adjust them separately, either using Roman's dynamic range or the magnetic lasso tool and feather the edges. So after all that when i'm happy with them i then spend about 10 minutes removing all the dust spots - my sensors are so dirty and when you use a small aperture, the spots just jump out. Basically I play around with them alot so I'm really pleased that you thought they don't look too overdone.