Just a quick snap I took on the way home from the gym. This place is my sanity saver. It is a local wetland (swamp) and it is so quite and peaceful there. I love the different shade of green of the grasses and the reeds. It is such an interesting place to go and take photos.
10:13 pm
GYM!!! You have already been to the gym today!! Gosh, you go girl!!
What a great picture....makes me want to get a blanket and throw it out and lay out there with a good book!
Beautiful. I love your landscape pics :) make the swamp look great! I am a nature lover, so this especially appeals to me. It's like a page out of a book. Nice job.
beautiful photo. It looks like a nice peaceful place to relax and enjoy life.
very nice. We have swamps around here, but nothing I'd want to photograph! lol.
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