is my second favourite colour. This is a pic from a few weeks ago. These are the some of the ladies I work with and tomorrow Alison (the one in the middle looking very nervous) is going to have her head shaved (well very closely clipped) to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. She is very brave. I said I would shave mine too if we could raise $4000 - my hair is looking pretty safe at the moment, but I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. This is her blog for the event

This is my real pic for today. It's some of the green beads my DD's bought. It was taken in quite low light, with a small torch shinning on the beads. I would have liked the front beads to be more in focus, but oh well.

iso 400, f 5, ss 1/13
What a very brave and great thing to do to raise money for such a worthy cause! Nice shot of the green beads. TFS
wow... she is brave, but it's for a good cause!
I love the creative way you shot the beads.. great idea!
She is really brave for shaving her head, I dont think I could do even for a good cause, my legs no problem, bad me.
The beads look great, love the lighting. lighting on that second one, so different and almost glowing. I like.
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