New specs
Warm Tone action by Sweet cheeks Photography
My daughter has just got new spectacles. My head says, you are an optometrist, you know she needs them and wearing them will not make her eyes worse, but in my heart I'm just a mum in denial, I don't want my girl to be short-sighted.
I took this using my 50mm lens. I have to admit I don't use it often and I find it hard to get the focus in the right place - should I be using a smaller aperture? There is a bit of glare on the right lens - I should have cheated and taken the lenses out ;) but I can live with it.
The action on both these pics are ones that {Blessed} posted on the message board today (THANK YOU). I haven't used actions much before, but i can see myself using these a lot.
This is my little girl - the wild child.

Lighten Up Barely action by Sweet Cheeks Photography
I think your ap choice was a good one. Her face is in good focus.
For eyeglass glare; I'm not a fan of lens removal to solve the problem. For one thing it is time consuming to get the lens out and back in. And it is hard on the frame to do it as often as you will be taking her photo.
You might want to look into a polarizing filter and see if it works for you in solving the glare problem. Especially on outdoor shots.
Nicely done.
Nice shots! I'm glad to see Blessed's actions. I haven't had a chance to try these yet, but yours look great!
Oh the first one is such a beautiful photo! I love the conversion! Bot are simply wonderful!
great pics and the conversions are beautiful.
ooh, love your skin tones! THe flare really is minimal and wasn't a problem for me. Your dof is just fine, her right left eye is very slightly oof, but becuse it is not the nearer eye I don't think this is really a problem. Your images have a lovely clarity to them....
Do you use defog? If so, what settings do you generally use? I've just made the leap to digital and am disappointed so far, but I know there are tricks you need to know to get the best out of it, so any suggestions you have would be great
She looks cute and of course smart with glasses :) I think it's a great shot! How did you like taking a portrait shot? I think they turned out great, you are awesome behind the camera, and it doesn't seem to matter what you are shooting at, they all look amazing!
both lovely patti
Absolutely gorgeous! Love the way you caught their eyes!
That first picture is absolutely stunning! I think you did great with this lens! and the conversion looks lovely! Great job!
I don't know what you're complaining about Patti, I think they're beautiful portraits.
My youngest son is very short sighted and I was sorry to see him get glasses too but he actually looks better wearing them than not!
That first shot looks amazing!! I love the conversion on it. If you didn't mention the glare in the lens i wouldn't have noticed it at all!
I know how you feel about the eyeglasses thing. My ds is 4 and got his 1st pair a few months ago. When the optometrist told me he had to wear them i was literally 'in shock'...had to keep telling myself they're just glasses!! a mom you want everything to be 'perfect' for your child and when it's not...we can't help but crumble. I must say though,...your dd looks stunning in them =)
Well done here with both photos. Although the conversion in the first photo is good, I like the second one better just because there is some movement in the photo -- love the way her hair is kinda suspended --just makes it a fun photo....
I like the conversions/actions on both shots. I don't really see any glare (and I tried to look for it). Your second shot is just so feminine, maybe is that "wild child" wanting to hide...TFS!
I love both pictures. You daughter are so cute and the glasses look great on her. The conversion are very nice
i love that warm action! perfect for such a gorgeous photo. =)
beautiful shots. Love the lighting
Thank you for the comments and suggestions. Volt I hadn't thought about using a polarising filter - thanks.
Cristina, the lens glare is on her right eye (left side of the pic) just above her pupil - it kinda looks like an odd catchlight.
Beautiful girls, beautiful shots!
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