Back in my comfort zone

Back to landscapes today. There is a bit of a story to go with this pic. Because we have had so little rain in last year or so, both the rivers in town stopped flowing into the sea. There is still water in the rivers, but they don't have the momentum to counter the sand being pushed in by the waves. It has become so bad that there was about 50 metres of sand between the end of the river and the ocean (even at high tide). Well in the last two days we have had really good rain - about 4 inches and today the Merri river started flowing back into the sea. I was standing there in the rain taking these pics and feeling really emotional. This is a farming area (dairy and sheep) and although we have been luckier than most places in Australia with the drought, it wasn't looking good for the rest of Summer. So this little stream kinda symbolises that everything will be back to normal.
It's not that I don't like taking portrait shots, I just find them really hard. It drives me crazy when my kids start pulling funny faces and strange poses, how do you cope with other people's kids doing it? Landscapes at least stay still.
Thank you to everyone who has looked at my blog and especially those who have left comments. It really does make my day. I appreciate all comments and suggestions, love hearing what you like but also anything you don't like or think I could do better. I try to get to every one's blog at least every few days and I hope the comments I leave are helpful. I'm pretty new at photography - only really started about 18months ago (and for the first 6months I had no idea), so I some times feel a bit under qualified to leave CC, especially about the technical stuff. I do try and give composition CC - I hope I don't sound like a picky bitch though. I'm starting to ramble. Time for bed. Goodnight
Love this. We have had a heap of rain too, thrilled about it, especially as we had a water leak of 32,ooo litres in one of the chicken sheds :0 is'nt that terrible..the eggs were floating.
So we have been really watching the water consumption ever since. The recent rain is like God answering our prayers is'nt it? they don't call us the lucky country for nothing:)
I did get the info , I thought I'd said, sorry, thanks for that.
Tip for portrait taking (4 kids, gotta work somthing out)..when mine started looking funny in the face or doing that horrible fake smile I'd say to them " look up, now look down, look over to that side, look to the other side, look at me" relaxed their faces. If that did'nt work I'd get them to hold something they liked and then quickly say, once they were engrossed in it, "look at me" jess drives me nuts at the moment, with portrait taking, argues the point about everything I want to do ..bloomin' teenagers.
Thanks Lisa. What ever you and Jess are doing it is sure working coz those pics or her on your blog are beautiful.
I love the composition of this shot... how the stream of water is in the shot at the bottom so your eye follows it all the way.
And thank you for telling the story to go with the photo. It makes the photo even better knowing why it is special to you!
Great lines in this shot!
I like the lines as well, leading us to the peaking brilliant blue. I didn't like the clouds until I read your story, but now they are such an important part of your story! This is really good, Patti.
What a beautiful place. Great picture. I like the lines in the pic and they hint of blue water at the end.
Glad you got some rain, would send some your way if I could, we've had more than plenty here.
Beauitulf shot, love the compisition and lines.
Beautiful shot and great story! 2007 had better be a "normal" year for us too! :) I happen to love the portrait you did yesterday - it's gorgeous!
You are so funny...I just love your blog. The picture is really gorgeous! I'm not much for HHCC because I have no clue what I'm doing but i do know what I like. great job
yay for the rain patti. remember the days when we took water for granted? we need more of it all over Oz to really make a difference. loved your story and the photo nicely captured the feeling
I love this shot. The warm brown tones look great!
Beautiful colors! So happy you finally got some good rain!!!
see, you are still hogging all the rain!
Send it north. we are still really really dry :-(
anyway this is a beautiful shot and the leading lines to the beach just perfect. I think the colour is spot on as well.
Amazing photo! I love the lines and how it leads you right to the back of the photo!
beautiful picture. I love your composition. TFS
Great photo. Love the story behind it. Hope you get some more rain to keep the river flowing.
Thank ou all for looking and commenting. Sara, I agree the clouds look a bit floaty. the sky was pretty dull and gray so I had to PP it really hard to get any detail. Maybe I was a bit too heavy handed.
I was happy with the leading lines, my DH tells me I should have been to the right more and down lower. I was already standing in the water, I think he wanted me sitting in it - :o . Now that wasn't going to happen.
Hope you guys in NSW get some rain soon.
This is absolutely beautiful!
I love the muted colors and how the sky is exposed to add to the image.
Love the tracks leading your eye...nicely done all around!
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