bottle in a tree
Okay, so you are probably thinking "why do I have a photo of a tree with a circle around a few branches". Okay, here's the story. This is a Norfolk Pine tree - Warrnambool is full of these trees. A few weeks ago my boss at work was telling me about this tree, The small white dot in the circle is a bottle that has been stuck onto the branch. I have know idea how it could have got there. These trees are really big and really old. So today i finally got around to taking a photo of it - hummm, the result was less than stellar. So the question is how do you take a photo of this that shows the bottle at least relatively clearly, but also shows its position in the tree? or do I just need two photos :)
Very interesting! I wonder if the bottle grew up with the tree?
Good question--I would try zooming in to get the bottle; then maybe a storyboard arrangement. Norfolk pines are houseplants (and spindly!) in my part of the world. I had no idea they grew that large!
Ha...good question! I'd love to find out more of this story!
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