Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Mainly Pelicans

These are some photos I took a few days ago. The colour is pretty bad, especially in the first one. Getting the exposure right on the pelicans was trisky - I think some of the white feathers are a bit blown out. The last one is a mother swamp hen (or a Pukeko - a my Kiwi DH would call it) feeding her chick. I deleted the first two coz the colour was just toooooo bad, I'll repost them after I re-edit.


Mom2Drew said...

Even with the colors, you caught some great pelican action in that first shot! Funny to see them right now when we are in winter.

Tera Fraley said...

Great action you caught here. I dont think the colors look bad.

Jess said...

WOW! Awesome action shot you captured in the first one! And I love the second shot... us mamas have to take care of our babies huh? :c)