I have been wanting to take a pic of this sign for ages. This is my local beach. It's a really calm, safe beach, protected by two islands, but the sea at the back of the islands is really rough and dangerous. A penguin colony lives on one of the islands and you can walk over to them at low tide. A few years ago a family were walking between the islands and they were hit by a freak wave and dragged out to sea. 5 of them drowned. It was awful. The rescue helicopters were going over head all afternoon and evening searching for the bodies. I'm kinda getting teary just typing this. This shot doesn't do the subject matter justice. I had a real problem with framing the pic coz there are so many other signs around this one (like the no dogs signs - they have decimated the penguin colony over the last few years). I ran the soft colour action that Phil posted on the board last week and then SCP moody mocha. I dodged and increased the saturation on the flowers.

iso 400, f 4, ss 1/2500
In winter Southern Right Whales come to this bay to calve. I was going to take a pic of the whale signs, but they didn't look very good, so you got the whale watching platform instead. The whales are fabulous to watch, but its usually really cold, windy and wet. The B&W is done with Krisztina's conversion. The ss was a bit slow - hence its a bit soft.
iso 400, f 22, ss 1/50